温鸣 教授 博士生导师 国内外学术组织任职情况(国内外学术组织名称): 简介 纳米合金催化材料、能源材料、磁性纳米材料 高效磁性纳米合金催化材料的设计与构筑 欢迎化学科学和材料科学等相关专业的同学报考本课题组的博士和硕士士研究生,以及进行博士后合作研究工作! Baolei Sun, Ming Wen*, et.al, Oriented Growth & Assembly of Ag@C@Co Pentagonal- prism Nanocables and Their Highly Activity Selected Catalysis along Edges for Dehydrogenation; Advanced Functional Materials, 2012, 22, 2860-2866. Shiqing Zhou, Ming Wen*, et.al, Highly Active NiCo Alloy Hexagonal Nanoplates with Crystal Plane Selective Dehydrogenation and Visible-light PhotocatalysisJournal of Materials Chemistry, 2012, 22, 16858-16864. Ming Wen*, Baolei Sun, et.al, Controllable Assemblly of Ag/C/Ni Magnetic Nanocables and Its Low Activation Energy Dehydrogenation Catalysis, Journal of Materials Chemistry, 2012, 22(33),11988-11992. Ming Wen*, MingZhu Cheng, et.al, Synthesis of Reusable NiCo@Pt Nanoalloys From Icosahedron to Sphere22(33)s By Element Lithography and Their Synergistic Photocatalysis for Nano-ZnO Toward Dye Wastewater Degradation,The Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 2012, 116, 11702-11708. MingZhu Cheng, Ming Wen*, et.al, Solvothermal Synthesis of NiCo Alloy Icosahedral Nanocrystals Inorganic Chemistry, 2012, 51 (3), 1495–1500. Ming Wen*, Fan Zhang, et.al, Inducing Growth of FeNi-Pt Match-like Magnetic Nanoheterostructures on Pt Nanotips and Dechlorination of Hydrochloricether, ChemPhysChem, 2011, 12, 3573-3577. Ming Wen*, Xiangguo Meng, et.al, Length-controllable Catalyzing-synthesis and Length-corresponding Properties of FeCo/Pt Nanorods, Inorganic Chemistry, 2011, 50, 9393-9399. Yijun Chen, Ming Wenand Qingsheng Wu*, StepwiseBlossoming of BiOBr Nanoplate-assembled Microflowers and Their Visible-light Photocatalytic Activities, CrystEngComm, 2011, 13, 3035- 3039. Feng Zhang, Ming Wen, et.al, Pt-on-NiCo Nanostructures with Facilitated Electrocatalytic Activities for Sensitive Determination of Intracellular Thiols with Long-Term Stability, Chemistry- A European Journal, 2010, 16(36), 11115-11120. Fan Zhang, Ming Wen*, et.al, Inducing Nanolayers-assembly of FePtDy 1D Superstructure and Its Induced Visible Light Photocatalysis Effect for TiO2, Journal of Materials Chemistry, 2010, 20, 7661 - 7668. Ming Wen*, Dan Yang, et.al, Inducing Synthesis of Amorphous EuFePt Nanorods and Their Comprehensive Enhancement of Magnetism, Thermostability and Photocatalysis, Chemical Communications, 2010, 46, 219-221. Ming Wen*, YaFen Wang, et.al, Controlled Fabrication of 0 & 2D NiCu Amorphous Nano-alloys by the Cooperation of Hard-Soft Interfacial Templates, Journal of Colloid and Interface Science, 2010, 342, 229-235. Ming Wen, Haiqing Liu, et.al, Amorphous FeNiPt nanoparticles with tunable length for electrocatalysis and electrochemical determination of thiols, Chemical Communications,2009, 30, 4530-4531. Ming Wen*, YaFen Wang, et.al, Nanostructures of Ni and NiCo Amorphous Alloys Synthesized by a Double Composite Template Approach, The Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 2009, 113(15), 5960-5966. Ming Wen*, Yuan-zheng Zhu, et.al, Composition-depended Assembly and Magnetic Specificity of (Fe1-xNix)0.5Pt0.5 Amorphous Nanothreads Through Substitution of Ni for Fe in FePt System,The Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 2009, 113(46), 19883-19890.
2002年日本近畿大学理工学部化学系获博士学位;2002年同济大学化学系副教授;2004年入选同济大学优秀青年教师;2009年晋升为同济大学教授化学系教授、博士生导师;2011年赴日本东北大学高访学术交流。主要承担“普通化学”、“现代配位化学”、“化学与社会”、“固体无机化学”等本科生和硕士研究生课程的教学任务。参加了《普通化学实验》和国家“十二五” 教材《普通化学》的编写。
主要从事纳米化学、纳米合金材料、固体无机材料等方面的科研工作。特别是功能多级结构纳米合金的可控制备。针对当今化学储氢物质储量高却难以释放的瓶颈问题,利用纳米合金催化新路线,对硼烷系列高能化学储氢物质实现娥常温常压下的可控高效快速催化裂解制氢,突破了具有超低活化能系列多级结构纳米合金的构筑。作为第一作者或通讯联系人在Advanced Functional Materials, Chemical Communications, Chemistry- A European Journal, Journal of Materials Chemistry, Inorganic Chemistry, The Journal of Physical Chemistry C等相关专业国际重要学术期刊上面发表了50余篇SCI研究论文,申请公开发明专利十多项(9项授权)。